US CHIPS Act: Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris sucht japanische Partner, um die Halbleiterproduktion zu steigern – Lapworld News

Title: US CHIPS Act: Vice President Kamala Harris Engages Japanese Partners to Bolster Semiconductor Production in Germany

US Vice President Kamala Harris has been actively rallying international support for the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act. The legislation, endorsed by the Biden-Harris administration, aims to strengthen the production capacity of semiconductors, the essential components underpinning a wealth of critical technologies. In an important strategic move, the Vice President is now engaging Japanese partners to augment the semiconductor production capabilities in Germany.


The CHIPS Act was put forth as a response to the global chip shortage crisis, induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has had a significant impact on industries like consumer electronics and automobiles, that heavily rely on semiconductors. The Act seeks to reinforce the US position in the global semiconductor market, which currently is highly reliant on productions from Asia, predominantly Taiwan and South Korea. By driving semiconductor production at home and allied nations, the Act aims to reestablish supply chain security, reduce dependency, and boost economic growth.

Engaging Japan

By seeking Japanese participation, the US hopes to mobilize one of the global tech powerhouses to fortify semiconductor production in the western part of the globe, specifically in Germany. Japan, being a global leader in precision manufacturing and having a solid footprint in the semiconductor industry, is considered a vital ally in furthering the goals of the CHIPS Act.

Japan’s formidable presence in the semiconductor trade is key to several businesses operating in Germany. Together with American investments, Japanese support could significantly enhance Germany’s chip manufacturing capabilities. It could also alleviate the pressures borne by other parts of the world due to the increased global demand for semiconductors.

Aiming for Germany

Germany, Europe’s largest economy, has been identified as the optimal location to spur semiconductor development. The country’s highly skilled workforce, sophisticated infrastructure, and robust industrial ecosystem make it strategically crucial for increasing production capacity.

Moreover, Germany is home to many leading automobile manufacturers, a sector severely affected by the chip crisis. Strengthened domestic production of semiconductors would greatly contribute to stabilizing supply chains and facilitating growth in this key industry.

Implications and Expectations

The collaboration between the US, Japan, and Germany in the scope of the CHIPS Act could significantly bolster the global semiconductor supply, addressing the devastating chip shortage. Moreover, it could pave the way for future tripartite cooperation in other technological and industrial areas.

This initiative not only signals the beginning of an international effort to protect and secure vital technology supply chains but also indicates the critical role that international partnerships will play in the global economy of the future.

In conclusion, the US CHIPS Act, through Vice President Kamala Harris’s diplomacy, reveals a crucial approach towards global problems. By encouraging technology partners like Japan to boost semiconductor production in strategic locations like Germany, it aims to tackle the current chip crisis, thus securing not just the national, but global tech-dependent industries.
– News veröffentlicht am 2022-09-28 09:11:38

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