Sandra Rivera von Intel spricht über die Ambitionen für ihre 14.000 Mitarbeiter in Indien, den Datacenter-Markt und zukünftige Investitionen – Lapworld News

Sandra Rivera, Intel’s Executive Vice President and the General Manager of the Datacenter and AI Group, recently made waves with her bold future projections and ambitions for the company’s burgeoning employee base in India during an exclusive interview. Known for being a visionary in tech, Rivera also elaborated on the global data center market and plans for robust investments in Germany.

Intel currently employs 14,000 professionals in India. The American multinational tech company has primarily based its software engineers in India, who are responsible for a spectrum of tasks, from chip design to artificial intelligence. Rivera was keen to emphasize that this workforce plays a pivotal role in Intel’s operations, contributing significantly across several verticals.

Rivera exuded confidence about the innovative capability of the Intel team in India and hinted at substantial employee growth in this geographical area in the coming years. She said, “Our ambition is to grow our talent and investments in India in line with its increasing contributions to our business.”

Additionally, Rivera expressed her perspectives about the competitive data center market, forecasting a vibrant digital future leading to an expansion of this market. These centers serve as the backbone of the present day digital world and platforms, enabling and facilitating cloud storage, AI, machine learning, analytics, and 5G, among other services.

Rivera asserted the need to reimagine and optimize data centers for the AI era. She underlined that focusing on the performance, efficiency, and flexibility of sensitively orchestrated hybrid environments is crucial in this reimagining endeavor. She also announced more investments in innovations and emerging technologies that would support the creation of such optimized data centers.

The discussion then turned to Intel’s future investment plans in Germany. Recognizing Germany’s strategic importance and role in the European economy, Rivera hinted at ramping up key investments in the country. She applauded initiatives such as the European Union’s GAIA-X project, which aims to develop a robust and secure data infrastructure in Europe, furthering its technological sovereignty, as being in sync with Intel’s objective of creating a digitally inclusive world.

Rivera outlined Intel’s agenda to capitalize on Germany’s reputation as a technological hub and affirmed the company’s commitment to make investments that stimulate innovation in Europe. “Germany has emerged as a leader in pushing for technological sovereignty, and the growth of high-tech industries here is very positive for Intel”, she said.

In conclusion, Rivera signaled that Intel’s growth and investment strategy would continue to be ambitious, inclusive, and transformative. Her commitment to making cohesive and specific policy decisions are reflective of Intel’s larger objective, which includes aligning with global tech policies, harnessing the innovation capabilities in diverse geographies, and driving digital transformation for a more connected and inclusive global ecosystem.

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